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Name SAITO KIYOSHI / (KIYOSHI) /1W (2014.9.22~2014.9.28)
Test Date 2014-09-22 / 1st level test teacher STEPHANIE MAE
Listening Test 27Point (LEV: 301) Grammar Test 17Point (LEV: 201)
Read/Voc Test 21Point (LEV: 201) Writing Test 11Point (LEV: 101)
Speaking Test 35Point (LEV: 401) INITIAL LEVEL 201
Listening able to write individual paragraphs and can convey message adequately but contains many mechanical errors that may interfere with comprehension; sentences are coherent and unified but occasionally monotonous or ineffective; the paragraph has weak sentence; able to develop main idea adequately but with occasional disproportion or inappropriate emphasis; commits isolated serious errors in grammar, punctuation, and occasional misspellings
Grammar able to understand a range of familiar statements and questions just like everyday classroom language and instructions for setting tasks; able to respond to a clear model of standard language but they may need items to be replaced; able to make distinctions about the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas, but need to see pictures or objects to have an educational guess about the topics being heard.
Read/Voc able to create sentences using present and past tenses but most of the times choppy; able to use simple conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and articles with a number of errors in communicating with others; able to remember subject and verb agreement; mistakes are frequently made
Writing has no reading skills in the language or has nominal skills, such as the ability to read and write name or simple isolated words; may be diminutive or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language; may need visual indication; can¡¯t distinguish even a single and simple word or alphabet; have the difficulty in familiarizing parts of speech
Speaking able to participate on conversation, convey information and opinions in simple terms; able to communicate basic survival needs; able to speak with proper word stress and intonation pattern