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Name LIM SU MIN / (JESSICA) /4W (2016.1.31~2016.2.27)
Test Date 2016-02-01 / 6st level test teacher JULIE MAE B. MORENO
Listening Test 12Point (LEV: 101) Grammar Test 13Point (LEV: 201)
Read/Voc Test 20Point (LEV: 201) Writing Test 14Point (LEV: 201)
Speaking Test 12Point (LEV: 101) INITIAL LEVEL 201
Listening able to write simple sentences about basic personal information and uses simple punctuations such as period, comma, and question mark, ;attempt to write sentences but the structure is frequently awkward and contains frequent major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization; idea of the paragraph is unclear, inadequately developed and supported
Grammar able to understand a range of familiar statements and questions just like everyday classroom language and instructions for setting tasks; able to respond to a clear model of standard language but they may need items to be replaced; able to make distinctions about the relative value and significance of specific data, facts, and ideas, but need to see pictures or objects to have an educational guess about the topics being heard.
Read/Voc able to create sentences using present and past tenses but most of the times choppy; able to use simple conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and articles with a number of errors in communicating with others; able to remember subject and verb agreement; mistakes are frequently made
Writing able to understand short phrases presented in a recognizable context; able to answer exact (who, what and where) questions; able to retell familiar story with the book as a referencemay need visual indication; able to concede and ascertain pair of words in analogical statements and determine their meaning based on the given context; able to identify the beginning, final and medial sounds in one syllable words and can read words derived from common word families; able to use common spelling patterns to form new words
Speaking able to communicate through gestures or with single word; able to speak with few isolated words, such as name and other personal information